Sunday, October 15, 2023

пълнометражен филм на старогръцки

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Както написахме и на сайта на АРУКО на преди два дни

С радост и любопитство споделяме съобщението, изпратено на Асоциацията за развитие на университетското класическо образование, от колеги от Еврокласика.

Готов и свободно достъпен за гледане е първият пълнометражен филм, в който се говори изцяло и само на старогръцки!
Ето го съобщението:

Chers collègues, membres d’Euroclassica et partenaires associés,

Veuillez lire le message ci-dessous. Vous pouvez dès maintenant apprécier dans son intégralité le film en grec ancien avec sous-titres (même en français !).

Merci de partager cette information !

Dear colleagues, members and associate partners,

Please see below the forwarded message. You can enjoy now the full movie in Ancient Greek with subtitles.

Thank you for sharing the information !

All the best

Florence Turpin


Филмът е любителски и направен от ентусиасти-доброволци.

Повече за филма може да научите на сайта:


Athens, 405 B.C. The city finds itself devoid of talented poets. Consequently, the god Dionysus, accompanied by his slave Xanthias, embarks on a journey to the Underworld to retrieve the renowned tragedian Euripides and to save the city of Athens. Meanwhile, Heracles, Dionysus’ brother, receives a visit from King Admetus, who is mourning the recent loss of his wife Alcestis.

Frogs is the world’s first (feature-length) film entirely spoken in Ancient Greek. Apart from some self-written passages, the tragicomedy is directly based on the following original works

of Ancient Greek literature:

  • The Frogs (405 B.C.) by Aristophanes
  • Alcestis (438 B.C.) by Euripides
  • Symposium (380 B.C.) by Plato
  • Battle of the Frogs and Mice (3rd century B.C.)

Iuvenalis Pictures

Frogs is a production by Iuvenalis Pictures, a non-professional production company. The amateur film was created by hobbyists, on a voluntary basis and with a limited budget.

The cast and crew of Iuvenalis Pictures consist of alumni from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) who specialized in classical languages and hold a deep passion for (the ancient) culture and the art of filmmaking.

With Frogs Iuvenalis Pictures primarily aims to provide educational material for the teaching of Ancient Greek in secondary education. Additionally, Iuvenalis Pictures hopes to demonstrate the enduring power and value of ancient stories for our contemporary society and to stimulate public interest in the Ancient Greek language, literature, and culture.

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